Great Turnout for St Patrick’s Festival Walks

As part of the Sneem Saint Patrick’s Festival Weekend, Sneem Walking Club organised walks on Saturday 18 and Sunday 19th March 2023 for members and visitors. We are delighted that so many people took part on both days.

On Saturday, members of Sneem Walking Club were joined by 12 visitors on a walk from Caherdaniel towards Sneem on the Kerry Way. We couldn’t have asked for a better day as the clouds disappeared, the sun shone and the views stretched for miles. This stretch of the Kerry has history, folklore, plenty of wildlife and stunning scenery. While we stopped for lunch at the half way mark near Staigue bridge, one of the White-tailed sea eagles took to the sky and circled overhead. You can see more photos from this Caherdaniel to Sneem walk in our completed walks page.

In comparison to the day before, Sunday 19th March turned out to be a wet and dreary day but it didn’t deter some determined walkers from heading out for a choice of A and B-walks.

The B-walk explored part of the Kerry Way, from Sneem to Clashnacree taking in the stunning Kenmare estuary. An easy stroll of around 11k in total, the loop walk headed out on the track behind Sneem Pharmacy, past Brushwood Studios and out onto the Clashnacree Loop.

From here we headed along the estuary to Parknasilla golf club (taking in more stunning sea views) and then headed back on the Kerry Way into Sneem the way we had come out. 

We were delighted to have new walkers with us, to include our own Sneem Rose and ended the day with two new members for the club. The weather was pretty kind to us in the end and a great time was had by all; helped by a pint at Dan Murphy’s at the end of the walk ! 

Sunday’s A-walk meanwhile took to the lower slopes of the Sneem Dunkerron Mountains for the Three Lake Walk. Starting in Coomyanna, the group wearing their best waterproofs, climbed to River hill to look down on the cloud-covered Lough Coomeen before traversing across to Lough Coonacronia and the Eagles Lough. Navigation was a challenge, the ground was very wet but the group kept smiling until then end when we reached Fermoyle.

We’re looking forward to hosting some more walks for visitors to Sneem as part of the Sneem Summer Festival taking place 19th – 23rd July 2023. In the meantime, Sneem Walking Club is open to new members. You can try before you buy too. Just let us know if you would like to join one of our walks for free and we’ll welcome you along and introduce you to the crew.