
You can join Sneem Walking Club as a Full Member or as an Associate Member. If you are an existing member of another club and thereby already have a Mountaineering Ireland Membership number, you are eligible for Associate Membership of our Club. 

Membership of Sneem Walking Club runs from October to October each year.

The annual Full Member cost is €43, of which a €38 affiliation fee is paid to Mountaineering Ireland and will ensure that you have insurance cover while walking in the mountains.

The annual Associate Member cost is €15 – you will need to provide us with your current Mountaineering Ireland membership number.

Please note that guests remain eligible to join two walks before becoming Club members.

The information below is required by Sneem Walking Club for Club Membership purposes and by Mountaineering Ireland for insurance cover. It will not be used by SWC for any other reason other than to contact you about Club Events.

Our aim is to provide SWC Members with a safe and enjoyable walking experience. Your responsibility is to adhere to the guidance offered by walk leaders and make the most of what your walking club has to offer.

Step 1: Submit Membership Details

Step 2: Payment of €43 (Full) / €15 (Associate) Membership Fee

Once you have successfully completed Step 1 above i.e. submission of your membership details, we require payment of the correct annual membership fee to complete your application. You can pay this directly to Sneem Walking Club c/o Frank McGonigle Treasurer or via bank transfer.

SWC Bank Details for direct payment to bank (please include your name on the bank transfer for identification purposes and advise SWC Secretary when you have made the payment):

Sneem Walking Club

Bank of Ireland Kenmare

IBAN: IE60BOFI90573122061816